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Psalm 1

Land of Rest
1 Blessed is the one who turns away
from where the wicked walk,
Who does not stand in sinners’ paths
or sit with those who mock.
2 Instead he finds God’s holy law
his joy and great delight
He makes the precepts of the LORD
his study day and night.
3 He prospers ever like a tree
that’s planted by a stream,
And in due season yields its fruit;
its leaves are always green.
4 Not so the wicked! They are like
the chaff that’s blown away.
5 They will not stand when judgment comes
or with the righteous stay.
6. It is the LORD who sees and knows
the way the righteous go,
But those who live an evil life
the LORD will overthrow.
Lyrics from 'Sing Psalms', Copyright Free Church of Scotland
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