Psalm 51
1 O my God, have mercy on me
in your steadfast love, I pray;
In your infinite compassion
my transgression wipe away.
2 Cleanse me from iniquity;
wash my sin away from me.
3 For I know my own transgression;
I can see my sinful plight.
4 You, you only, I've offended,
and done evil in your sight;
So your words are verified,
and your verdict justified.
5 From my birth I have been sinful -
such the nature I received -
sinful from my first beginning
in my mother's womb conceived.
6 Truth you look for in my heart;
wisdom to me you impart.
7 Cleanse with hyssop, purify me;
I'll be whiteer than the snow.
8 Let the bones you crushed be joyful
may i joy and gladness know.
9 From my failure hide your face;
blot out all my wickedness.
10 Lord, create a pure heart in me,
and a steadfast mind renew.
11 Do not take your Spirit from me;
cast me not away from you.
12 Give me back the joy I had;
Keep my willing spirit glad.
13 Then I'll teach your ways to sinners;
rebels will turn back to you.
14 Free me from blood-guilt, my Saviour,
God most merciful and true.
Then I'll praise your righteousness;
15 Teach my lips your name to bless.
16 Sacrifice does not delight you
else my tribute I would bring;
Nor do you take any pleasure
in a whole burnt offering.
17 Contrite heart as sacrifice
you, O God, will not despise.
18 Let your blessing rest on Zion;
build Jerus'lem's walls again.
19 Sacrifices then will please you -
bulls upon your altar slain,
Off'rings made for your delight,
truly righteous in your sight.
Lyrics from 'Sing Psalms'. Copyright Free Church of Scotland.