1 My soul finds rest in God alone;
From him comes my salvation sure.
2 My safety, fortress, sheltering rock -
in him alone I am secure.
3 How long will you assault a man?
Do you all seek to lay him low -
This leaning wall, this tottering fence -
and bring about his overthrow?
4 They plan his fall from his high place;
They take delight in spreading lies.
With false and flattering mouths they bless,
But in their hearts curse and despise.
5 Find rest, my soul, in God alone;
in him my hope is ever sure.
6 My safety, fortress, sheltering rock -
in him alone I am secure.
7 My honour and salvation rest
On God, my rock and mighty fort.
8 O people, trust in him always;
To him alone pour out your heart.
9 The low-born man is but a breath;
the high-born man is but a lie.
Weighed in a balance, side by side,
They come to nothing but a sigh.
10 Do not seek after wealth by force,
or triumph in ill-gotten gain;
and even though your good increase,
set not your heart on what is vain.
11 My God has spoken; I have heard
12 That you are strong and loving Lord
Each one according to his deeds
You will assuredly reward.
Lyrics from 'Sing Psalms'. Copyright Free Church of Scotland.