Psalm 69

1 Save me, O God, because the mighty waters
have come up to my neck on every side.
2 I sink in miry depths without a foothold;
I am engulfed beneath the deep floodtide.
3 My throat is parched; I'm weary from my shouting;
My eyes fail, looking to my God for aid.
4 For those who hate and loathe me without reason
are more than all the hairs upon my head.
Without a cause my foes seek to destroy me;
I have to pay back what I did not steal.
5 But as for you, O God, you know my folly;
my guiltiness from you I can't conceal.
6 May those who hope in you, the LORD Almighty,
not be disgraced on my account, O God;
May those who seek your face, O God of Israel,
not suffer shame because of me, O Lord.
7 For your sake, LORD, I must endure derision;
my face is covered with contempt and shame.
8 Even my brothers do not recognize me;
to mother's sons a stranger I became.
9 Because devotion to your house consumes me,
those who insult you turn their taunts on me;
10 And when I mourn with tears of grief and fasting,
I must endure their scorn continually.
Lyrics from 'Sing Psalms'. Copyright Free Church of Scotland.
Harmony and Melody Copyright Free Church of Scotland