Psalm 111

1 Praise to the LORD! I will extol him
while gathering with the upright.
2 Great are the works of God and pondered
by all who in them take delight.
3 His deeds are glorious and majestic;
his righteousness endures always.
4 He caused his works to be remembered;
kind is the LORD and full of grace.
5 Food he provides for those who fear him;
his covenant for ever stands.
6 His mighty works he showed his people
by giving them the nations' land.
7 Faithful and just are all his actions;
all his commands are faithful too,
8 Steadfast for ever and for ever.
The works of God are right and true.
9 He sent redemption for his people;
his covenant remains the same,
Ordained by him throughout all ages -
holy and awesome is his name.
10 Fear of the LORD gives rise to wisdom;
All those who walk in upright ways
Have insight and good understanding
To him belongs eternal praise.
Lyrics from 'Sing Psalms'. Copyright Free Church of Scotland.
Harmony copyright Free Church of Scotland.
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