Psalm 118
19 Throw wide the gates of righteousness;
I'll enter and give thanks to God.
20 This is the gate of God, through which
the righteous come before the LORD.
21 You answered me, I will give thanks;
Salvation comes from you alone.
22 The stone the builders had refused
Has now become the cornerstone.
23 The LORD himself has done all this;
It is a marvel in our sight.
24 This is the day the LORD has made;
In it let us take great delight!
25 Save us, O LORD, we humbly pray;
O LORD, we pray, grant us success.
26 He's blessed who comes in God's great name;
You from the LORD's house we will bless.
27 The LORD is God, and he has made
His glorious light upon us fall.
Let us approach the altar's horns,
and celebrate the festival.
28 You are my God, I'll give you thanks;
You are my God, I'll give you praise.
29 O thank the LORD, for he is good
His steadfast love endures always.
lyrics from 'Sing Psalms'. Copyright Free Church of Scotland.