1 I cry for mercy to the LORD;
to him I lift my voice in prayer.
2 Before the LORD I bring my plea;
to him my trouble I declare.
3 Each time my spirit faints in me,
You are the one who knows my way;
For in the path on which I walk
A hidden snare for me they lay.
4 Look to my right hand and take note:
There is not one concerned for me.
I have no refuge; no one cares
for me in my adversity.
5 I cry aloud to you, O LORD:
"You are my hiding place in strife.
You are the one sustaining me;
You keep me in the land of life."
6 LORD, listen to my cry for help,
for I am in extremity.
Save me from those who seek my life,
Because they are too strong for me.
7 So that I may give thanks to you,
From prison's darkness set me free.
The righteous then will gather round,
Because you've shown your love to me.
Lyrics from 'Sing Psalms'. Copyright Free Church of Scotland